Thursday, January 4, 2024

Lady by Little River Band

Spotify Link -

I listened to 184 songs today. 

  • I listened to 10 songs from the Everything playlist.
  • I listened to 4 songs from the Check It playlist.
  • I listened to 152 songs from the Work playlist.
  • I listened to 18 songs from the Non Work playlist.
I listened to 156 artists today.
  • I listened to 5 songs by Taylor Swift.
  • I listened to 3 songs by Hollywood Undead, Mary J Blige & Petra.
Taylor at the top again, not surprising as I changed up my work playlist this time around so there is a lot more of hers on there. Mary J Blige was on the Check It so I listened to a bunch of hers together.

Cheri and I went out for supper which is all the songs off of Our Favorites.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Southern Girl by Tim McGraw

Spotify link 

Marvin Gaye is from the Check It playlist which is why there is 5 songs, although 1 more song on the Non-Work list and it would have been 6. You can tell I didn't have any meetings today so my music pretty much ran from 6-2:30. I had 6 artists with 3 songs and 16 artists with 2 songs.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Believe by Staind

Spotify Link 

I listened in the shower and then Cheri went to shower after me so I cast my music to the TV while she was in there. When I do that rather than play through the Spotify app on my TV, LastFM still tracks the songs because it's coming from my phone.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Impossible by Lacey Sturm

 Spotify link -

Listened to music in my card room and in the car back and forth to my mom's. I got in a mood and played my Hollywood Undead playlist for awhile. I didn't even think about that I would push them over the 2500 mark.

I added 75 songs to the Check It playlist so I can start listening to that again, probably on Wednesday while waiting to go into work.